I loved being a classroom teacher. Working with groups of teens, helping solve problems - personal, poetic and mathematical -a fire drill sounding off in the middle of a sentence - no two days were the same. But after 17 years I felt the call to explore an old passion. I knew that some of the skills I cultivated as a teacher would apply to software development, but I was wrong about which ones. I’d been interested in coding since taking a computer science course as an undergrad, and believed my long immersion in the logic of geometry and calculus would serve me. But it’s actually the people skills, the facility with group dynamics, with making sure every voice is heard and every member feels valued, that has been most essential. Software design is a team sport, and I’ve been working with groups, classes, clubs, and teams for 17 years. And though code is not poetry, there is something about the pure economy of the language - each keystroke pulling its own weight, nothing included than isn’t necessary - that brings poetry to mind. And so I find myself exactly in the right place.


Client-Side Project: KaBloom


KaBloom is a mobile app intended to put houseplant care in the palm of the user's hand. It allows the user to see a list of their plants at a glance alongside a few pieces of crucial information. Having a photo of the plant as it looked when I first adopted it is an important visual cue for comparing to the plant's current state. With a click, the user can access more detailed information about the plant's care needs, such as lighting, fertilization. Users can also create personal notes relating to the plant's life events, such as repotting, blooming, etc.

Full-Stack Project: NoveList


NoveList is a personal library manager. It leverages the power of Google Books API to allow users to search and find the novels they want to add to their library. They can then make notes on what they're reading, log start and finish-dates, rate their reads and check in with friends.


Let's Socialize

Christine Doza